Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Simple and yet powerful

This fine entreatment system is on of the best designed and its Blue Ray compatible. It only came in one color piano black, this made the system shine and it even looked good in your living room. It is clean and simple but importantly it is all wireless. So inspiring to see something so minimal on the outside but packed in power on the inside.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Posters from World War 3

Designer and Photographer Brian Moore came up with 8 made up ww3 posters. According to the posters where inspired by the 2009 Iran election protest and activism. The posters are wonderful to look at and inspiring. I am posting 3 of my favorite posters but Mr.Moore has about 5 more if you click here.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An 8 bit change

I found this at a blog a few months ago and since my blog is about inspirations for my portfolio I want to share this work from ReyArt, a talented man who embraces 8bit video game culture like this one inspired by Street Fighter 4 and Super Street fight 4. To see more of ReyArt's work just click here.

enjoy =)

8bit version
original version
 8bit version
original version