Monday, August 8, 2011

hello again

hey hello again as you can see i havnt posted anything in weeks so for those who were waiting anxiously for a new post im sorry. i will try to post new and inspirational things every week maybe more. to start i would like to leave you with some pictures

whats up with them cactus pictures?

i have found a new passion and its not video games or anything related, they are cactuses.
i moved to arizona about a few days ago and i have never seen anything like it! you find then in random places they kinda look like people with more arms and if drive far into the desert you will find a colony of them. I love arizona its always sunny lots of cactus in random places and sunset is to die for. i have been doing lots of walking so i hope to lose pounds. 

now i have 3 main passions art, video games and cactuses =)  

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