Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Movie posters: the good and the bad

So I was going threw Yahoo and I came upon an article about the new X-Men movie poster and how bad it was. I looked at it and they were right it was one worst things I have ever seen they killed by placing the actors head in their crouch zones ugh! If they would have just keep the silhouettes then they would have had something more interesting to look at

WHY!?! =(

I have another movie poster called Day of The Dolphin is considered a so good its bad movie poster but I personally think its good and kinda funny. I would never take this movie seriously but it is interestedly funny to look at. 
Im guessing the dolphin took down that ship.

Two of my favorite movie posters just happens to be simple with a silhouette. It's funny for me because I didn't notice that until today. On the bottom of the post are links of movie posters like 60 most attractive posters of all time and the top 30 movie posters of 2009.

I choose this film over the mario bros movie when it premiered.  

Other then a great poster it is also a must watch film!

Yahoo article: click here 
Top 30 movie posters of 2009: click here
60 most attractive posters of all time: click here 

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