Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Phoenix Risen

I was inspired by dark phoenix who is a marvel character (also in Marvel vs Capcom 3) for those who do not know and I wanted to do a illustration of her because I could not get her off my head. My original idea was to create this using pastel color materials like I did in the bottom picture. Until I get my stuff I can only use my computer so here it is the Dark Phoenix.
Dark Phoenix

I miss my stuff

If people like it then I will do the entire roster in Marvel vs Capcom 3 in computer.

Monday, August 8, 2011

hello again

hey hello again as you can see i havnt posted anything in weeks so for those who were waiting anxiously for a new post im sorry. i will try to post new and inspirational things every week maybe more. to start i would like to leave you with some pictures

whats up with them cactus pictures?

i have found a new passion and its not video games or anything related, they are cactuses.
i moved to arizona about a few days ago and i have never seen anything like it! you find then in random places they kinda look like people with more arms and if drive far into the desert you will find a colony of them. I love arizona its always sunny lots of cactus in random places and sunset is to die for. i have been doing lots of walking so i hope to lose pounds. 

now i have 3 main passions art, video games and cactuses =)  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

collage at its best

I saw these great peaces of work online and I would like to share it with who ever reads my blog lol.
I love how you can grab what is already there and turn it into something more and when I mean more I mean alive then it already is.

Check out the pictures below. =)

this looks like it would be an interesting movie

Yoshi would be happy

i forgot his name

Friday, April 15, 2011

Want that telephone

I thought this was the coolest thing ever only because the number on the phone take over the whole telephone. They kinda remind me of a waffle maker with numbers oh and it has no caller id lol reminds me of the good old days =)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Its only 5000 Metro Cards

So I saw this article by Sarah Firshen on yahoo.com a few days ago and it was really cool to see MTA cards getting recycled for something useful artistic and inspirational. the artist name is Steve Shaheen and with the help of craigslist he was able to collect 5000 MTA cards and turn it into a bench. now if the mayor of NYC gave him more MTA cards to make more benches and place them in parks. =)

for the article click here 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gameinformer threw out time

As most of you already know I like gameinformer magazine. I have been reading the magazine for about 3 years so I have seen the changes it made threw out my time with the magazine. The design now is more clean and the designers pay a lot attention to its content layouts and type. I read the articles and I dont get lost or confused. I think if other game magazines used this style of design and applied it I think game magazines will loom better

Thursday, March 24, 2011

for the love of type

I was browsing the net for type and I came across this website called For the Love of Type. its a blog that shows typography pictures all over the world. you see type being use in things we see everyday such as slides, billboards, parks, etc. Here are a few of my favorites and feel free to check out the blog. =)


yum =)

this was in the blog but i dont see any type, do you?
Anyways this drawing is nice!

To go to the blog click here

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Invaders from space!

First I would like to thank Marie Grunenberger for showing me this table with space invaders on it. the second I looked at it I was amazed. It looked very cool I didn't know they where stickers or if it was a part of the table. I thought it was very nice of her to send me the link. Thanks Marie! =)

for the link click here


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Movie posters: the good and the bad

So I was going threw Yahoo and I came upon an article about the new X-Men movie poster and how bad it was. I looked at it and they were right it was one worst things I have ever seen they killed by placing the actors head in their crouch zones ugh! If they would have just keep the silhouettes then they would have had something more interesting to look at

WHY!?! =(

I have another movie poster called Day of The Dolphin is considered a so good its bad movie poster but I personally think its good and kinda funny. I would never take this movie seriously but it is interestedly funny to look at. 
Im guessing the dolphin took down that ship.

Two of my favorite movie posters just happens to be simple with a silhouette. It's funny for me because I didn't notice that until today. On the bottom of the post are links of movie posters like 60 most attractive posters of all time and the top 30 movie posters of 2009.

I choose this film over the mario bros movie when it premiered.  

Other then a great poster it is also a must watch film!

Yahoo article: click here 
Top 30 movie posters of 2009: click here
60 most attractive posters of all time: click here 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Environment and Surroundings

Going out for a walk just to clear your mind and looking for inspiration always helps. Then later I come back with ideas on what I want to do. This reminded me of my summer trip to North Carolina and went camping but it was not the camping I am going to talk about. It is the road trip I went threw to get there that will be talking about. It was so interesting to see pine tree farms and the lines that divided the bunch makes it more interesting to look at. The second picture was taken from a small southern town far far away from civilization and reminded me TV shows that base around southern towns far far away from civilization like true blood. It was something new kinda like stepping foot into some kind of utopian town far away from public life and urbanism. When I looked ahead there was a church that stood tall and was probably the tallest structure in town. A storm was coming and that’s when I saw a picture that would describe the town, its church. The dark sky behind the church give it a dark image almost like if it was judgment day or maybe the town wasn't so perfect at all and has its dark secrets.

The last picture may look like something from a Windows XP wallpaper but its not. This picture was taken on one of the lookouts. We wanted to get a good view of the hills so we stopped at this lookout. We got our view of the hills and it was as beautiful as it will always be but next to the lookout there was a hill and it looked so mysterious you would had to have been there to fully understand why I was more interested in that hill instead of the view of hills on the horizon. It was quiet all you can hear is the breeze and grass. I was hypnotize and remained hypnotize as I walked up the hill. When I got to the top I saw butterflies everywhere and some dragonflies. I saw a hidden path so I decided to go in and explore I heard a waterfall so I keep going further and further down the path it must have been like 30 minutes to only realize I was getting lost in the woods and the wind was just playing games with me and the fact their was no waterfall after all. Then I heard something like some sort of animal so I bounced. The hill was and butterflies experience was good but that hidden path was not a good idea totally regret it. Pictures like the three posted that has a story behind is another way of finding inspiration. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words. 

the farm

the church 

the hill

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Simple and yet powerful

This fine entreatment system is on of the best designed and its Blue Ray compatible. It only came in one color piano black, this made the system shine and it even looked good in your living room. It is clean and simple but importantly it is all wireless. So inspiring to see something so minimal on the outside but packed in power on the inside.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Posters from World War 3

Designer and Photographer Brian Moore came up with 8 made up ww3 posters. According to guardian.co.uk the posters where inspired by the 2009 Iran election protest and activism. The posters are wonderful to look at and inspiring. I am posting 3 of my favorite posters but Mr.Moore has about 5 more if you click here.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An 8 bit change

I found this at a blog a few months ago and since my blog is about inspirations for my portfolio I want to share this work from ReyArt, a talented man who embraces 8bit video game culture like this one inspired by Street Fighter 4 and Super Street fight 4. To see more of ReyArt's work just click here.

enjoy =)

8bit version
original version
 8bit version
original version